Which of the following problems are iterative rather than recrusive in nature:

(A) Simplex method for solving a liner programing problem
(B) Newton-Raphson Method for finding the roots of an equation
(C) 8 Queen’s problem
(D) both a and b

Choose the correct statement:

(A) In general there is always an ittative equivilant of a recrusive information
(B) Recrusion and itiation are equally powerful
(C) In itiation the body is carried out to completion before the condition of termination is started
(D) All of the above

The vernacular language English can not be used as a Computer Programing Language because:

(A) it include symbols that are not present in keyboard
(B) it does not have a well defined syntex
(C) it is anbiguos
(D) Computers do not understand English

If the comment is removed in the previous problem it will print 18,8 if the parameter declaratiion is:

(A) only A and B are variable parameters
(B) only B and C are variable parameters
(C) only A and C are variable parameters
(D) all variable parameters

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