
Meaning: بے وسیلگی ۔ بے واسطہ ۔ بے تعلق

Explanation: (Noun) – The quality of bringing one into direct and instant involvement with something, giving rise to a sense of urgency or excitement.

Example: Email works because it has the immediacy of a scribbled memo.

Synonyms: Adjacency, Approach, Approximation, Closeness.

Antonyms: Difference, Dissimilarity, Unlikeness.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 18-04-2022]


Meaning: بہت جوشیلا ۔ پُر شوق ۔ جذباتی ۔ انتہائی جوش و خروش والا

Explanation: (Adjective) – Too zealous in one’s attitude or behaviour.

Example: He’s been overzealous in handing out parking tickets.

Synonyms: Demonstrative, Fidgety, Fiery, Hysterical.

Antonyms: Calm, Cold, Cool, Laid-back.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 17-04-2022]


Meaning: سخت بداخلاقی ، گناہ کبیرہ ، سنگین جرم ، بد اسلوبی ، خرابی

Explanation: (Noun) – The great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong.

Example: A thorough search disclosed the full enormity of the crime.

Synonyms: Depravity, Horror, Abomination, Atrocity.

Antonyms: Delight, Esteem, Goodness, Joy.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 12-04-2022]