
Meaning: ٹھوکر کھانا ۔ چُوکنا ۔ اُلجھنا ۔ پکڑنا ۔ تامل کرنا ۔ اتفاق سے معلوم کر لینا

Explanation: (Verb)- Trip or momentarily lose one’s balance; almost fall.

Example: Her foot caught in the rug and she stumbled.

Synonyms: Bumble, Careen, Fall, Fall down, Falter.

Antonyms: Continue, Correct, Fix.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 12-04-2021]


Meaning: سقوط قُمقمہ ۔ کوئی آواز ادا کرنے میں سانس کی نالی ایک دم بند ہونے کا عمل

Explanation: (Noun)- An instance of something collapsing violently inwards.

Example: The star undergoes a violent implosion caused by gravity.

Synonyms: Breakdown, Inadequacy.

Antonyms: Accomplishement, Achievement.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 11-04-2021]