Tshego Gaelae becomes first black woman to win Mrs World 2025 competition in 40 year history belongs to which country?

(A) Zimbabwe
(B) Kenya
(C) South Africa
(D) West Indies

Which country launched H3 rocket carrying QZS-6 on Feb 2, 2025?

(A) Russia
(B) Japan
(C) Pakistan
(D) China

Identify the name of first African country to eliminate onchocerciasis disease?

(A) Angola
(B) Djibouti
(C) Niger
(D) Eswatini

ICC Women’s Championship Trophy for the 3rd consecutive time won by which country?

(A) India
(B) South Africa
(C) Australia
(D) England

Recently which country completed the world longest expressway tunnel?

(A) Russia
(B) China
(C) Pakistan

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